General Cleaning of Earth
April 1, 2012
According to a cosmo-info of the Space Blocks Control World of the Creators,
the General Cleaning of Earth which is ruled by the evil plutocratic slave ruling system will happen soon.
The East and CA State of the USA sink into the sea soon. Israel also sinks into the sea.
The Britain island and EU nations also sink into the sea.
West Japan and, next, East Japan also sink into the sea in May and June.
And so on.
Dollar, Euro, Yen, etc., every money on Earth will become paper pieces.
You must know the order of the Creators on transition to the new Earth society of gratuitous services in all fields of human life.
Iran's Administration don't have the nuclear weapon developping plan
April 20, 2012
According to a cosmo-info from the Creators Iran's Administration don't have the nuclear weapon developping plan and don't develop nuclear weapons.
In the beginning of January, 2012, Obama stated at a press interview that Iran doesn't have the nuclear weapon developping plan.
But the US's dictator Jay Rockefeller is staking on WWⅢ to avoid the dollar crisis and for the new economic bubble.
Therefore, he is trying for the new power of L. Panetta.
Sinking process into the sea of Main nations due to cataclysm for general cleaning of Earth
-US's East and CA State sink into the sea soon
March 23, 2012
Information from the Space blocks control World of the Creators:
Earthmen destructed Earth and accelerated extinction process of animals and plants nder the capitalist plutocratic slave ruling system, though the Creators have given Earth, air, lands, sea, animals and plants gratuitously. And earthmen refused transition to the new Earth society of gratuitous services in all fields of human life against the order of the Creators.
Thus, in the USA, in the end of March, 2012 sink into the sea the whole US's East being the eastern side from the line of Chicago and the western coast of FL peninsla and together with it CA State too.
And Israel - soon 2012.
In Kanada, the South as far as Port Nelson sinks into the sea in April, 2012.
EU nations: The UK's Britain Island, France, Germany, Benelux, Italy, Spain,
Portugal, Swiss. etc. sink into the sea in May, 2012.
In China the whole East consisting of the east side of the line of Peking and Hongkong sinks into the sea in May~June, 2012.
In Australia the East consisting of the east side of the line from the west of Normanton to PortAugusta sinks into the sea in May,2012.
In Japan, the West Japan from Nagoya to Okinawa sinks into the sea in the middle of May 2012. And the East Japan including as far as Hokkaido sinks into the sea in mid-June, 2012.
In Russia the West consisting of the region between the line of S.Peterburg‐Moscow‐Rostov and the line of Kaliningrad-Odessa sinks into the sea in June,2012. Therefore, Ukraina, Belorussia, 3 Baltic countries, etc. sink into the sea.
This is the earth crust cataclysm of Earth in the first half of 2012.
However, the being which is resembling to the so-called Satan who is working always under laisser-faire may intervene in the cataclysm process, and the
process may suffer turns temporarily.
China is a new colony under rule by Rothschilds
Feb. 14,2012
China is under rule by Rothschilds through investment in Chinese People Bank being the central bank in China and Chinese Industrial-Commercial Bank being a leading Bank in China.
Illuminati decided and is staging the worldwide policy for transition of China to the worldeide superpower innstead of the USA.
The USA is disposable ex superpower having lost all nukes and all bioweapons by the Garaxy federation of planets and the Creators.
The USA is destined to vanishment after the Soviet Union.
Moreover, the General cleaning of Earth by the Creators is imminent.
The US's East consisting of the eastern side of the line from Chicago to the western coast of FL peninsula sinks into the sea together with CA State and
The rule of Earth by Reptilians of Lizard is also destined to suffer the crushing blow.
Transition to a Nazist nation of USA
- In respect to an AFP's article "Prominent Jewish Leader: Assassinate Barack Obama"
Jan. 31, 2012
According to a cosmo-info due to a order by the US's dictator Jay Rockefeller B. Obama will be assassinated in 2012.
L. Panetta will be the new president and the US will be a Nazist nation finally. Already almost all conditions for transition to Nazist nation are standby, as NDAA abolished the Constitution of the USA, this new system enables L. Panetta to arest civilians, detain them indefinitely without trial and advocacy, and 200 concentration camps are already standby nationalwide in the USA.