True Face of President Elect Obama, 3rd 911 and his role
True Face of President Elect Obama, 3rd 911 and his role - B. Obama is a modernized slave with put stealth fetters by Illuminati being shape-shifters of reptilians-humanoids
Just as Bush, Cheney, MacCain, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Perocy, Brzezinski, Kissinger, David and Jay Rockefellers, new President Elect B. Obama is a shape-shifter of one of Reptilian-humanoids from the constellation Lizard which are the invaders-rulers of Earth with the general headquaters in Shambala underground in Rahsa, Chibet of China from remote ages.
B. Obama is a modernized slave with put stealth fetters by Illuminati being shape-shifters of reptilians-humanoids, just as said above rulers. He is working under directions by Z. Brzezinski as a member of Illuminati and CFR. Obama appointed a Zionist Baiden as his vice president, and also a intelligence agent of Mossad, a Congressman with American and Israeli double nationarity R. Emmanuel as his chief counsel. Obama decided remaining of Gates in the post of Bush Administration's Secretary of defense. These were the will of Illuminati being his owner.
Photo evidence: Obama's loyalty sign for reptilians
Illuminati try to realize WWⅢ bringing to destruction of Earth against Russia. Obama stated on Nov. 8, 2008 in the telephone conversation with President Kachinski of Poland that he will drive to dispose MD bases in Poland and Czech, just as Bush!! Therefore, American Obama's supporters are angry against Obama and CPUSA which stated that election of Obama is a victory of Marxism !
Thus, the so-called Financial 911 became the 2nd 9/11 case after 911 by Bush, CIA and Mossad, and now the election to the presidency of B. Obama is the 3rd 911.
American peoples suffered the Hitlerian way demagogic mind control under the catch phrase "Change !" by Illuminati.
American peoples should wake up and siruggle against Obama's regime for the new 2nd American Revolution, just as the new revolution declaration stated by the all American dockers' and warehousemen's trade union few years ago, and just as the recent change program by Michael Moor.
Already the objective conditions for the new 2nd revolution in the USA are ripe, as the USA are under the general crisis, and from the top to the bottom of the society Americans are unable to live in the existing way in general. American working peoples should go ahead to the social revolution for the strategy to abolish the barbarous and evil money system and for transition to the new society of voluntary i.e. gratuitous services in all fields of peoples’ life. Working peoples of all over the world will support them and together with them they will struggle themselves for the new social revolution. Thus we can ourselves change the Earth !
Rockefellers published neo-Roosevelt plan to change US's system by false NY Times Nov.20, 08.
According to a blog article of Japanese correspondent Benjamin Fulford Evelin Rothschild has changed headship to David Rothschild, and David Rockefeller - to Jay Rockefeller. Jay was born in 1937 and 71 years old now, a senator-democrat, a supporter of B. Obama. He lived for 3 years in Japan when he was a student of International Christian university in Tokyo, and it seems that he gave a order to B. Obama as the leader of Rockefellers.
According to the information from the Space Blocks Control World of the Creators Rockefellers gave a order to "The Yes Men" group including few correspondents of the NY Times and they distributed free in NY and other big cities the false NY Times dated July 7, 2009 showing a reform plan of the today's system in the USA, and the newspapers were gone momentarily.
This is not a plan to abolish the last fort of Illuminati being reptilians' shape-shifters, i.e. barbaric and evil money system after collapse of the new liberalistic system due-to the worldwide financial-economic crisis having started from the USA. This is the measures on prolonging life of illuminati's rule, showing their policy system for limitation of Obama's so-called "Change" within the frameworks of reformism to retain their plutocratic slave rule system on the base of money system.
They assert the dictatorship against big business by the middle class which is now in the more and more deeping process of disappearance for realization of the above said plan. They assert withdrawal of the US's troops from both Iraq and Afganistan due to the possibility of defolt and state collapse, but except it, in brief,their "Change" plan is the follower of the Roosevelt's reform by Rockefellers.
It inferiors to the change of Japanese system by the American occupation forces after WWⅡwhich dismantled the monopoly capital Zaibatsu's rule, emperor rule, Japanese army, performed the agricultural reform, abolished the Japanese Constitution and established the new Constitution.
B. Obama is a modernized slave with put stealth fetters of Illuminati being shape-shifters of reptilians-humanoids, just as Bush, Cheney, Hillary & Bill Clinton, MacCain, Perocy, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Rockefellers.
But the American working class will go ahead to the new 2nd American revolution, following the declaration of the new American revolution by the all American dockworkers and warehousemen union issued already few years ago.
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