
Assassination team against the writer  
by CIA and JCIA was wiped out
This was the 15th time
March 10, 2018
   I noticed abound 16:00 on
March 9, 2018 that the key of my house was opened by someone.
   According to the notice from the Creators, this was the result of the attempted crime by an assassination group consisting of 4 members of US CIA and its stooge JCIA, which opened the door around 15:00 to assassinate the writer of English version blog.
  At the moment they unlocked the door they were wiped out by the Creators and disappeared.
  This incident was the 15th time in this.
  Thus, these cases showed that neither freedom of speech and human rights nor democracy and rule of laws exist in Japan and USA too.
   They will suffer sanctions by the Creators.  

A notice from the Creators:
In US Yellowstone Supervolcano & 4 large volcanoes, then in Japan Mt. Fuji
- those cause massive eruptions in Feb., 2018 
American dollar collapses, then, NY and CA sink into the sea
The US imperialism collapses
The Earth and 20000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations vanish
Then, those transit to the 5-D planets

Jan. 30, 2018  T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
According to a notice from the Creators,
   The Earth lies in the remote and isolated cosmic space outside the Galaxy. The Earth was a exile planet from ancient times. But, its end is imminent.
   In Februaly, 2018 large eruptions in US cause: Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 States scale (Idaho, Wyoming & Montana) and 4 large volcanoes, i.e. Mt. Rainier (4392m), Mt. Baker (3276m), Glacier Peak (3213m) and Mt. St. Helens (2550m) in the US West. Thereby, volcanic ashes piled up more than 7m on all States crush USA Empire.
   A US site "Before It's News" recommended for Americans to immigrate abroad. That's right.
   Then, Japanese Mt. Fuji causes eruption in its south side. Thereby, Tokyo and the Kanto region around it are crushed due to laid volcanic ashes.
   American dollar collapses, then, NY and CA sink into the sea. The US imperialism being the main fort of worldwide plutocratic slave domination of Earthers collapses, as they are defiant against the Creators, though the Creators have given everything gratuitously for the Earth too, and though the Earth must transit to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of their social life.
   Then, British island sink into the sea. Large tsunamis more than 100m in height cause crushing blows to EU countries. Moscow which is over the sea under 500m of this city and St. Petersburg sink into the sea. The East and the West of China sink into the sea. The Korean peninsula sinks into the sea.The North and East of Australia sink into the sea. New Zealand too. Then, the West of Japan sink into the sea.   
   And the Earth and 20000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations vanish, then, those transit to the 5-D planets.
Details on humanoids of the 5-D planets:

New catastrophe of the Earth
Jan. 15 & 28, 2018  T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
   According to a notice from the Creators, American dollar collapses soon, then, NY and CA sink into the sea.
   The US imperialism, being the main fort of worldwide plutocratic slave domination of Earthers collapses, though the Creators have given everything gratuitously for the Earth too.
   Then, British island sink into the sea. Large tsunamis more than 100m in height cause crushing blows to EU countries. Moscow which is over the sea  under 500m of this city and St. Petersburg sink into the sea. The East and the West of China sink into the sea. The Korean peninsula sinks into the sea.The North and East of Australia sink into the sea. New Zealand too. Then, the West of Japan sink into the sea.
   And the Earth and 20000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations vanish, then, those transit to the 5-D planets.

In US East & West M9.2 Super-quakes occur soon 
West of Japan too

Jan.23, 2018  T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
  The magma activity of the Earth has been activated. Thereby, according to a new notice from the Creators, the earthquakes of M9.2 in the US East including NY and the West including CA State will occur from the end of Jan., 2018 to the beginning of Feb., 2018. The US economy will collapse. Directly after that, the so-called Nankai Trough Huge earthquake will occur in the all West of Japan. It will bring on the collapse of Japanese economy too.          

   Moreover, the Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 US West States scale (Idaho, Wyoming & Montana)and 4 other large volcanoes: Mt. Rainier (4392m), Mt. Baker (3276m) near to Seattle city, Glacier Peak (3213m) &  Mt. St. Helens (2550m) will cause eruptions. Volcanic ashes of height more than 7m will cover all US States. Thereby, the US imperialism as the worldwide fort of plutocratic slave domination of Earthers will collapse. It's to be regretted that American workers being before new revolution will become victims of the cataclysms for cleanup of the Earth.
   That is the result of rebellion by Earthers against the Creators which have given everything gratuitously for the Earth too, though the Earth must transit to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of social life, following the orders by the Creators and the law of planets' development.     

   A US site Before It's News has written:  Emigrate While You Still Can ! That's right. As already informed in blogs, UK, EU countries, China, Japan, Korean peninsula, Australia, New Zealand, Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. will suffer disasters of the cataclysms too.

As a result of sweep of the conservative-reactional source & ditto-8,

American dollar collapse occurs soon
It becomes the 1st step to the 5-D of the Earth
Jan.7, 2018  T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
   The evil conservative-reactional source & ditto-8 (in charge of the Earth) being in the guidance-control world of countless upper rank of the space blocks control world of the Creators were swept away around at 24 o'clock of 5, Jan. 2018 (Japan Time) by the Creators.
   Thereby, according to a notice from the Creators, American dollar collapse will occur soon. USA imperialism being the worldwide fort of plutocratic slave domination will collapse.
   As the Creators have given everything gratuitously for the Earth too, the plutocratic slave domination of the Earth is never permitted. The Earth must transit to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of social life, following the orders of the Creators and the development law of planets.
   Otherwise, the Earth will be swept away near, as well as about 20000 planets of evil and corrupt covilizations. Directly after that momently, they will turn into the 5-D planets.  
    Once reptilian humanoids of a planet in the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies wite scales) and humanoids of a Pleiadian planet Erra befor the revolution in 50000 yrs ago - they cut 12 DNAs to 2 DNAs of Earthers, cut its wiring by 95% and ran the evil gen-setting under the evil and egoistic excuse: "Remove of threat in the future".
   In the 5-D planet society, 12 DNAs of Earthers once suffered cut are restored, and peoples become light-bodies. In the 5-D planet, there is everythig gratuitous services' society. There are no split of society to classes, no plutocratic slave domination, no poverty, no crime, no national trouble and no war. They live on cosmic energy from the Creators. Their life span will be 2000 yrs, and they obtain ability to create and vanish small objects. Once a US TV telecasted the life of peoples with light-bodies and a Japanese TV transmitted it in August, 1995.
   In a Japanese TV once telecasted a image, where an Indian Sai Baba created a wrist watch of japanese brand Seiko and a bowl rice with tuna, with a some wave of his hand. They became a suggestion of restoration's possibility of 5-D human being de facto.