
Default & economic collapse in USA, world financial collapse in Feb., 2014

Default and economic collapse in USA, world financial collapse in February, 2014 

Feb.12, 2014                                                                                               

     To increase the legal upper limit of the US's National debt of $16 trillion 700 billion is no longer possible after Feb. 6, 2014. by the decision of the US Congress. Management of the National mechanism is no longer able to be funded only on hand already. Arrangements wiles of funding, has come to the limit already.
     National funds of the US will be zero at the end of February, 2014. US's default occurs before that. National function of the US Empire will collapse. And the US's unconstitutional private central bank FRB of Rothschild & Rockefeller will no longer able to print dollar bills legally and suffers collapse. The U.S. dollar as a currency turns into paper pieces both in name and in reality and is liquidated.
     It's developed into the global financial and economic crisis, including collapse of Japanese yen, EU's Euro, Chinese Yuan, etc.

     On the other hand, the BarterBucks system for the barter of goods and services and banks for this purpose using the internet system have spread more and more instead of the collapsing dollar system already in US's 37 States. Monetary system collapses.
     The feat of demonstration staged by British workers under a banner of "Abolish Money!" in London at the time of the G8 summit should become the strategic target of world working peoples being under threats of survival.

Warning poet, 2014 

 Following the Creators shift to society working gratuitously everything