
Serious Information from the Creators on General Cleaning of the Earth

Space Info: The radiation scattering from the Fukushima 1 nuke plant, in the near term, every month millions people will die, in total tens million people will die in Japan. In the Korean Peninsula, China and Russian Far East tens million people will die. in the USA and Canada also a catastrophe will happen and tens million people will die.
   Fukushima 1 nuke plant was explosed on March, 14, 2011 after the big tsunami on Mar.11 by remote control of the net virus by 2 nuclear mini bombs which had been set in the 3rd reactor and one mini nuclear bomb - in the 4th reactor, each, by Israeli Magna BSP Corp. being a contractor of security, in collusion with the nuke plant's designer's US GE corp. These facts were exposed by Jim Stone of  the US NSA in the AFR (American Freedom Radio).
   On the Mar.14 Japanese GSDF's (Ground Self Defence Force's) special weapons manufacturing unit had been engaged in the manufacture of nuclear warheads in the 3rd reactor's basement, and the ground protection unit members had worked, too. And they died. So the British Daily Mail newspaper reported these facts in the electronic version. SNS conveyed and spread this big news.
   Japanese Premier Shinzo Abe of neo-Nazi power of LDP and Komei Party forced  passage of the Secrets' protection law in the parliament. It was one of the results. As EU countries have pointed out, those incidents showed that Japan already not a constitutional state from before decisively.
   According to a space info from the Creators, accumulative quantity of internal exposure to radioactive substances from Fukushima 1 nuke plant which are scattered nationalwide exceeds the critical point in the near term, and every month several million people of Japanese will die, thus, in total several tens of million people will die in Japan.
   Since US President era of Clinton on the base of the thesis "Japan is the largest economic rival and the largest threat of the US" successive US Admins have promoted the policy toward Japan in the back, and its result is above-said huge crime of wrongdoings. Also, the reality that Abe's regime of LDP and Komei Party has been put on the war course with China by the US's induction is also it's result.
In spite of the three times of nuclear attack against Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima, anti-Japanese traitor Abe regime of LDP and Komei Party is continuing the betrayal policy against Japanese people. They are the rebel accomplices of the Japanese race's annihilation by the US imperialism. EU's assessment that "Japanese policy is 4th rank country's" has been hit.
    Not only fatalities number due to Fukushima 1 nuke plant's scattering radioactive substances will reach several tens of million people in Japan, according to a space info, moreover, in the Korean Peninsula, China and Russian Far East too, the fatalities number will reach tens million people. In addition, radioactive substances scattering across the Pacific Ocean will bring the large catastrophe to USA and Canada too, and several tens of million people will die. 
   Ways out from self-ruin of Earthians are here:The sanctions against the Abe regime by the UN, overthrow of Abe's betrayal regime of LDP and Komei Party by the Japanese people, and practical realization by governments all over the world of epoch-making revolutionary new technologies which have developed by the Keshe Foundation in Belgium by the aid of the Galactic Federation of advanced civilization following the Destiny of the Creators and gratis given for all regimes of the world, but has not been realized practically due to opposite interference by Illuminati:
(1) Radioactivity removal technology, (2) Technology for obtaining inexhaustible electric power from the air by the special antenna, (3) Anti-gravity technology. Beginning of the revolutionary change of the global society, using these technologies.
☆ Follow the Creators' Destiny for transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of social life
☆ Fight all over the world together with British workers
which staged a demonstration under the banner of "Abolish Money!".

[Remark] Due to the disturbance by Satan-resemblant beings each spacing between articles consists of 10 lines or tens lines, so the blog is unsightly in the individual case. But, after this entry such big spacings disappeared on July 31, 2015

Way out of Earthians from evil and decayed civilization of capitalist system's plutocratic slave rule

July 27, 2015
     Both zoos and aquariums are prison exhibition
facilities of abducted wild animals and fishes.
Earthians are regarded as the low rank animals
in the Space, too, and abducted men and women are displayed at the zoos of the advanced civilization planets.
     Earthians were able to change their figures from the 5th dimensional luminous body of human beings with 12 segmants' DNA in the super ancient times and they had ability of creation and removal of materials within the 
limited frameworks. Famous Indian super-ability man Saibaba showed its portion in TV images.
     However, evil ETs cut the 12 segments of DNA up to a pair and cut the wiring of 95% of left segments pair of DNA, and they conducted evil set of gene of Earthian in a selfish purpose of "Elimination of future threats" under dominant leading influence of reptilians of the Lizard which were regarded as the authority of the genetic engineering in the Space by ETs (draconians of the Draco, humanoids of Lira, Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, etc.) .
     There is a small hill of cut DNA's 10 segments close to DNA's segments pair which is in the nucleus of human cell, and it was discovered with an electron microscope. Earthly barbarians have called it as Junk (waste) DNA and that's all.

  Thus, Earthians are deffer only in 3 elements of DNA from chimpanzee, their life has the feature close to wild beasts' life due to which the weak becomes the victim of the strong. Its result is the present hardships life of peoples which turned to the plutocratic bio-robots under the capitalist plutocratic slave rule's decayed tyranny in the present days and continuous wars on the Earth.
     Now abducted by ETs earthly men and women are displayed at zoos of advanced civilization planets.   
     The Chernobyl Nuke plant suffered explosion due to the major earthquake by the old generation's American earthquake weapon HAARP under conditions of the cold war between the East and the West.
     The Fukushima nuke plant-1 was blown up on March 14, 2011 by 2 mini nuclear bombs which were set beforehand in the 3rd reactor, and one - in the 4th reactor by Israeli Magna BSP corp. which was the contractor for security in conspiracy with the nuke plant's designer US's GE Corp. by the remote operation of Net-virus. Jim Stone of US NSA revealed its fact through the AFR (American Freedom Radio).
     Both the Japanese ground Self-Defense Force's special weapon production unit which was engaged in the production of the nuclear warheads, and their ground protection team died on March 14, 2011 due to explosion of the nuke plant. So the British Daily Mail paper's electronic version reported it. SNS conveyed its case.
     The forced approval of the Secrets protection act in Japanese parliament was one of the results.
     In the period of G.W.Bush's US presidency a big spacecraft of the Galactic Federation leadership, following the instruction of the Creators, landed to the Bush's Crawford ranch on July 12, 2008. And ET's representative met with G. Bush, he requested to conclude an agreement and they concluded the agreement on  abolishment of all US nuclear weapons and earthquake weapons HAARP.   

     But Bush betrayed it by pretending false obedience. Then, all nuclear weapons and HAARP of the USA were swept away by the spacecraft of the Galactic Federation leadership on July 24, 2008. The Creators swept away re-deployed HAARP several times.
     British, French and NATO's nuclear weapons were swept away on Sept. 22, 2008 by the Creators. Israeli nuclear weapons - on Oct. 5, 2008 by the Creators. After that,  the nuclear weapons of Russia, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea were swept away, too by the Creators.

     Supplemental production and re-deployment are being continued to prevent. However, the fact mentioned above showed that there was omission in sweeping away of manufacturing work of nuclear warheads' in the 3rd reactor's underground of Fukushima nuke plant-1.
    Thus, the START-2 between the USA and Russia is pretending political performance for holding their political hegemony at the international arena. 
     Additional production and re-deployment of such nukes and HAARP have been prevented until today.

    Nuke plants are being built more all over the world, and nuke plants which had been stopped operation are re-operated increasingly. If Chinese or North Korean missiles attack some of 55 nuclear reactors in Japan, it means the end of Japan and the world.
     According to a space info, the accumulated amount of internal exposure of radioactive substances which are scattered nationalwide
from the Fukushima nuke plant-1 will exceed the critical point near, and every month several million people will die, and it will reach death of several tens of million people in Japan.
  From the period of Clinton's US presidency US
Admins regarded Japan as the biggest economic rival and threat. Thus, their operation to annihilate Japanese will be realized.
    The number of the nuke plants of the Earth will reach 800 in 2030. Earthians are going to the self-ruin due to the WW3 at which the alliance of USA and NATO is aiming against Russia, and due to nuke plants reaching 800, if no stop, and nuclear waste being impacted in the basement of the Earth.
    One of Earth's ways out lies in reconnection of 12 segments' DNA by genetic engineering.

  The definitive way out of the Earth lies in abolishment of capitalist system's plutocratic slave rule of Earthians by invaders-rulers of the Earth since ancient times, i.e. Reptirian-humanoids (4-dimensional reptile type humanoids covered with systemic scales) and their boss draconians (5-dimensional bipedal walking and winged flying lizards: the official emblem of City of London), and lies in overthrow of domination powers of nations by shapeshifters of reptilian-humanoids consisting of Illuminati, G20 leaders, ruling layer of each nation, leading layers of  social sectors and various social areas.
    It urgently required to realize the transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all social areas of peoples, following the Destiny of the Creators.
Flying saucers and spaceships coming to many countries from the advanced civilization planets of the Galactic Federation are suggesting the future of the Earth and Earthians.
     In London British workers staged a demonstration under a banner of "Abolish Money!" against G8 summit. 
     According to a space info, in the USA Yellowstone Supervolccano of 3 states scale (Idaho, Wyoming and Montana) will cause huge eruption near. And directly after it, Mt. Rainier, 4392m will erupt. In result, the USA empire will be annihilated.
    The new American people's revolution will occur and win near. Dictators of the USA, Rockefellers are trying to distort this revolution to the ex Soviet Union type for preserving plutocratic slave rule system, since the Soviet Union was the reformist form within the framework of capitarist system, since it was the state-capitalist system of whole one rule.
     In the EU countries too, financial and economic collapse, Increasing of survival's threat of peoples and new people's revolutions are near.

    Following the Destiny of the Creators, rise up and fight for transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all social areas of peoples all over the world.

   The Earth revolution is near.

Greek Govt opened door of Earth's revolution by decision on free fees

July 4, 2015
   According to a delightful news, Greek Govt decided to make fees of trains, buses, highways, telephones, mobile phones just free temporarily, though It's the limited measures.

   This opened the door leading to the revolution of Earth being under the tyranny of capitalist system’s plutocratic slave rule. 
   This is adapted to the Destiny of the Creators.
Follow the Destiny by the Creators"Transit to everything gratuitous services society.
In London British workers staged a demonstration under a banner of "Abolish Money!" against G8 summit.
☆ Greek Gov. opened the Earth revolution's door by decision to convert various fees into gratuitousness.
The Creators are staging the General cleaning of evil civilization Earth by huge tectonism, as already it was written here before.

General cleaning of Earth by the Creators

ーThe fate of reptilians-humanoids shapeshifters' rule of the Earth
June 26, 2015;Renewal: June 28  
   In the USA, according to "BEFORE IT'S NEWS" (June 11, 2015), US dollar's 309 millionaires in the US recently vanished. Their cars are still there. No savings have been withdrawn. It’s as if they’ve disappeared from the face of the earth.  It has become the commotion.
   According to a Space info from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, because Yellowstone Super Volcano of three States scale through Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming will cause the large eruption just near. Because at its result the US empire is annihilated.
   It has reported that already more than 60 times in a short time period in May, 2015 occurred volcanic earthquakes. 
   Moreover, according to a notice from the Creators of June 26, 2015, Mt. Rainier (4392m) in the south of Seattle CA also will cause the large eruption immediately after Yellowstone's eruption. 
   Americans are feeling the threat. They millionaires of US dollar have bet on immigration to a habitable planet around the Earth. But there is a harsh environment, survival is extremely difficult. It may bring on their death.
   The General cleaning of the Earth by the Creators which gave everything gratuitously for earthians and were disappointed, is going on all over the world. 
★ Jesus Christ's True identity and essence
   His real name was Jmmanuel, and he hated the social tendency on which peoples call him Christ, i.e. the Messiah. 
   According to a notice by the Creators, regarding Jmmanuel, then Maria of Magdala region was abducted by the Pleiadian female foursome's flying saucer, suffered artificial insemination by saucer-women. Thus Jmmanuel was a hybrid with Preiadian humanoid. 
   But Jmmanuel was newly abducted by reptilian-humanoids in his boyhood, was killed in their flying saucer,
and after drinking 

his blood and decomposition of his corpse, a reptilian-humanoid shapeshifted exactly like the victim.
   Thus, Jmmanuel was a shapeshifter of reptilian-humanoid of the Lizard.
   He didn't fight against tyrannical slavery of his times, though he pointed out: "Money is the root of all evil"
(I.Tim.6:10), and he was not engaged in wrongdoing. He was a relative low rank spirit, his spirit is now in the lowest stage of human spirits' community attached the Earth control world of the Creators.
   And the successive Popes being shapeshifters of reptilian-humanoids worked and are working for keeping the evil social tyranical system.
   Putting hands on the Bible, taking oaths of allegiance at the inauguration of successive presidents and following the doctrine of Christian fundamentalism, the  USA imperialism promoted and is promoting the general political-military line for invasive wars and forcing the tyranny of plutocratical slave rule all over the world.
   Jmmanuel doesn’t even Rebirth also Second Coming. All Christians should know this truth too, following the above said notice by the Creators.
   Flying saucers and spacecrafts from advanced civilization planets of their Galaxy Fedelation are implying the future of earthians and the Earth.
   In London British workers staged a demonstration under a banner of "Abolish Money!" against G8 summit.
   They became the avant-garde of liberation movement of earthians and the Earth which is under invasion and evil rule by 4-dimensional reptilians-humanoids of the Lizard and their bosses, draconians of the Draco (5-dimensional flying lizards: City of London's official emblem), and by reptilians' shapeshifters. i.e. Illuminati (Rothschilds and Rockefellers), G20 leaders, each nation ruling layer and lower social areas' ruling force.  
   Do struggle for transition to the new Earth society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of human social life, following the orders by the Creators.  
    The Creators have taken notice that In the USA the new American people's revolution will occur and win just near. But dictators of the USA Rockefellers are trying to distort the new American revolution by leading it to the Soviet Union type which was the reformist form of capitalism, since it was the state-capitalist system based on the evil monetary system.
   But, in any case,  the change movement beginning time was already too late. The evil and corrupt plutocra-tic slave rule's capitalist system of all kinds on the Earth will be annihilated.
   Since earthians are making the denial against the order of the Creators.  the General cleaning of the Earth by the huge tectonism is going on more and more. Island Britain also will sink into the sea. Japanese islands also will sink into the sea from the West gradually near, beginning from sinking into the sea of the south Japanese Kuchinoerabu island, Yakushima island, Tanegashima Island and Kyushu Island.

To huge worldwide financial crisis and people's revolutions

 June 19, 2015

    In Greece defolt will happen on July 1, 2015, as they are impossible to repay the debt of about 1.6 billion euro (220 billion yen) untill June 30, 2015.
nd worldwide financial crisis will happen.
   Then, people's movements for transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of human life will occur in many countries on the Earth, following orders of the Creators.

   This will bring on people's revolutions all over the world.

US dollar's 309 millionaires disappeared from the Earth face for evacuationbecause of imminent eruption of Yellowstone Super Volcano  June 12, 2015;Renewal:June 15
   In the USA of Japanese premier Shinzo Abe's bosses, according to "BEFORE IT'S NEWS" site  (June 11, 2015), 309 millionaires of US dollar in the US recently vanished.
Their cars are still there. No savings have been withdrawn. It’s as if they’ve disappeared from the face of the earth.  It has become the commotion.

   According to a Space info from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, because Yellowstone Super Volcano of three States scale through Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming will cause the large eruption just near. Because at its result the US empire is annihilated.  It's reported that already more than 60 times in a short time period in May, 2015 occurred volcanic earthquakes.
   Americans are feeling the threat. They millionaires of US dollar have bet on immigration to a habitable planet around the Earth. But there is a harsh environment, survival is extremely difficult. It may bring on their death.
   The General cleaning of the Earth by the Creators is going on all over the world.

   Jesus Christ pointed out too: "Money is the root of all evil" (I.Tim.6:10). though Jesus was a low rank human spirit and his spirit is now working in the lowest stage of human spirit's community attached the Earth control world of the Creators. Rick Wiles, etc. all  Christians shoud know this truth too. 
   In London British workers staged a demonstration under a banner of "Abolish Money!" against G8 summit. They became the avant-garde of liberation movement of earthians and the Earth being under invasion and evil rule of the Earth by 4-dimensional leptilians-humanoids of the Lizard and their bosses draconians of the Draco (City of London's official emblem: 5-dimensional flying lizards), and by reptilians' shapeshifters. i.e. Illuminati (Rothschilds and Rockefellers), G20 leaders, each nation ruling layer and lower social areas' ruling force. 
   Do struggle for transition to the new Earth society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of human social life, following the order by the Creators. 
   But the change movement beginning time was already too late. The evil and corrupt plutocratic slave rule's capitalist system of the Earth will be annihilated. 
   Since earthians are making the denial against the order of the Creators.  the General cleaning of the Earth by the huge tectonism is going on more and more.

Perspective of worldwide drastic tectonism after volcano eruption in Kuchinoerabu island, Japan

May 30, 2015
  In Kuchinoerabu island of Japanese Kagoshima Prefecture a volcano has caused an explosion and erupted in the morning
of May 29, 2015.
   According to a space info, that is a precursor of slow sinking of the Western Japan into the sea. Kuchinoerabu island and Yakushima island will sink into the sea near
   Next,Yellowstone Super Volcano of the US three States scale will cause a large eruption. In result American Empire and the
fort of Rockefellers
 being shapeshifters of Reptilians-humanoids of the Lizard in NY will be annihilated.
   Then Mount Fuji will cause a large eruption on the south mountainside. In result Tokyo and one of Japanese industry centers will be annihilated.
   And in the Southwest of Britain island a large volcanic eruption will occur. In result British industry and the fort of Rothschilds being faceshifters of Reptilians-humanoids will suffer annihilation.
   These become the implementation process of the  general cleaning of the Earth by the Creators against the savage, evil and corrupt tyranny continuing destruction of the Earth.

Assassination team of 4th time by CIA and JCIA was wiped out

May 15, 2015      
   Until today I wrote comments and articles to Infowars.com and other sites many times about evil tyranny by Illuminati, G20 leaders and ruling layers of each nation consisting of invaders-rulers of the Earth from ancient times, i.e. Reptilians of the Lizard, for transition to the new Earth society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of social life by abolishing Monetary system, following the orders by the Creators of the Space blocks control world. 
   In result CIA and JCIA dispatched assassination team against me in the morning of May 15. This was the fourth time.
   But, immediately after their departure they were wiped out as rebellious enemies by the measures on disappearance by the Creators. They were reduced to particles.
   Personnel in criminal charge of US and Japanese authorities who dispatched above said team raised uproars, saying "Members are missing.", as the assassination team has disappeared as well as past 3 times.
   But, since they have noticed that their criminal team was wiped out by the Creators 3 times before, they fell into the upset.   
   Preventive measures were taken so that they can not cause such a crime hereafter.   This article was released in Infowars.com too.Earth revolution is near
April 26, 2015

   According to a notice from the Space blocks control world of the Creators, following the uprising of Baltimorean peoples, in the whole USA, Spain and Greece, the New People's Revolutions occur and win near.
   And in the process of the world financial crisis also in GB, France, Germany, Italy such revolutions occur and win. In China and Russia also the New People's Revolutions win. In Japan, with being adapted to the global main stream, the New People's Revolution occurs and wins
April 23, 2015 Tatsmaki (Japan)
   According to a mass media’s news, in Spain unemployment rate was 23.70% in the 4th quarter of 2014, and it rose to 23.78% in the 1st quarter of 2015. Many peoples are facing the threat of survival.
   According to a notice from the Creators of the Space Blocks control world, in Spain the New People's Revolution occurs and wins near. Under its influence, the New People's Revolution occurs and wins in Greece too.
   On the other hand, in the USA too, according to a notice from the Creators, following the uprising of Baltimorean peoples, the New American People's Revolution occurs and wins.
   Both Euro and US dollar collapse, and it develops into the world financial crisis. In its process in GB, France, Germany, Italy, etc. the New People's Revolution occurs and wins. In Japan under these influences, with being adapted to the main stream of the global revolutionary changes, the New People's Revolution occurs and wins.
   In China where the poor reached 700 million people, and extreme poor peoples - to 160 million people, the new people's revolution is near. Already a new people's party against capitalist development of China has been organized and works in Shanghai.
   In Russia where the poor reached 18 million people, under the influences of revolutions in EU countries, the USA and China the new peple's revolution occurs and wins.
   In the US colony Japan after the WW2 successive home land traitors LDP's Govs paid tributary dollar fund to the US imperialism from taxpayers' huge scale money of Japanese peoples.
   According to a blog of Benjamin Fulford (Asian-Pacific branch ex-chief of the US Forbes),
it's also pointed out that the tribute reached to $5 trillion~$35 trillion dollars. According to the official announcement, US Gov. bonds holdings by Japan in Feb.,2014,(next to Chinese holdings of 1 trillion 315 billion US dollars), is the 2nd-posision of 1 trillion 186 billion US dollars. Now it would be more than 150 trillion yen.
   This turns to paper pieces because of the Euro collapse and the world financial crisis. And this attributes to nothing the loan of 139 trillion yen and investment fund of 62 trillion yen, in total 200 trillion yen or more that issued the Japanese LDP's Gov. to special corporations of ex-bureaucrats' parachute destinations.
   And it attributes to nothing the internal reserves more than 200 trillion yen of large companies in Japan. The capitalist system of plutocratic slave rule from large companies to end small business suffers the catastrophic blow. Threat of survival of the people increases.
   Just transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services, following the Destiny of the Creators, gives the way out for US, EU countries, Japan, China and Russia.
   Therefore, it's necessary to realize measures on elimination of disturbance for preservation of the evil tyranny on the Earth by evil Satan similar beings in the Space blocks control world of the Creators.
   USCIA and JCIA tryed to assasinate the writer of such exposure articles by the 4 killers' team thrice, but they were disappeared even thrice soon after their departure by the measures on sanctions by the Creators.
   The annihilation of tyranny on the Earth is near.

It's necessary to achieve Basic Income worldwide as a step to the Earth revolution

April 20, 2015
   Do struggle
for transition to the new Earth society of gratuitous services in all areas of human life according to the order by the Creators.
To implement this revolution, first, as the forthcoming tactics, It's necessary to
achieve the Basic Income which demanded 19 yr old youth from Obama Admin in the US for life security of all american peoples.
addafi regime in Libya, in a much broader than the scope of the basic income, spended the living cost of all peoples from children to old peoples from the
   Imperialist alliance of the US and EU considered it as a huge threat and they overthrew the Qaddafi regime by invasion and killed him by shooting. This is a warning for all working peoples of the world. The new civil war is unavoidable in the US. Obama Admin is preparing a large quantity of arms and ammunition for repression against the new people's revolution.
    According to a Space Info from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, in the US the new American people's revolution is upcoming and it will win.
   According to Newsland.ru site, In the US, the poor reached to about 30%
of the population, i.e. more than 103 M. people.  In China, 700 M. people are in poverty, and 160 M. people are under the extreme poverty conditions. In Russia, the poor has reached more than to 18 M. people.
   Therefore, both in the USA and China, and in Russia too it's necessary to realize the system of the Basic income by the new political course of the revolutionary forces of the US, China and Russia as an important step for the transition to a new society of Earth of gratuitous services in all areas of human life according to the order of the Creators.
   This will allow revolutionary forces of China, left forces of the USA and Russia to open the way to promote the new Earth revolution, if,  in particular, the revolutionary forces of the PRC cancel the capitalizational counter-revolutionary 
general course of the CPC being the current ruling party of China and aim the above-mentioned general cource for the Earth revolution.

   Many advanced civilization planets of the Glaxy federation of planets where no monetary system show the future of the Earth.
   In GB workers staged a demonstration under a banner of "Abolish Money!" against the G8 summit in London. They became the standard-bearer and the avant-garde of the Earth Liberation Movement.  This is the appeal to begin the Earth revolution.

ISIS terrorists' band will go back as a boomerang to South, USA
Apr.15, 2015
   According to a Space info, terrrorists' band of ISIS which was organized and having been supported by CIA will go back to the US as a boomerang and spread in beginning to the South, USA and later to many US States.   They are shapeshifters of Reptilian-humanoids of 4th dimention from the Lizard who is covered whole body by scales as well as Hillary, Bill, Obama, Bushes, etc.
When they don't drink human's lifeblood after each 2-3 months, their pupils of eyes return to the revious vertical long pupils of reptiles and their identity is exposed. Therefore, they commit murder crimes.
     British Queen Elizabeth II and before Pope have received recently the judgment of 25 years imprisonment by the European Court of universal laws because of murder crimes of more than 50,000 children. But they are protected by their state powers, not being arrested until now.

USA Annihilation is imminent due to huge-scale eruption of Yellowstone Super-volcano 
   Tyranny by the plutocratical slave rule capitalist system is accelerating global destruction by the forced leadership of the USA.
   Global general cleaning of the Earth is being promoted by the Creators.
   The biggest volcanic zone in the North American continent which extends over USA States Montana, Wyoming and Idaho: The Yellowstone volcano being called "Super-volcano" has caused  earthquakes 60 times for 4 days from Mar-28-2015. It's pointed out that a huge scale eruption is imminent.
   When this erupts, the USA will be annihilated, and the whole world will be covered by volcanic ash and will become darkness, and it brings on the global crisis.

http://rt.com/usa/184596-yellowstone-supervolcano-disastrous-eruption/ http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2139678505293993001
   As a part of the global general cleaning by the Creators, sinking to the sea of the US East, CA State of the West and Israel is imminent.
   Moreover,according to a notice from the Creators, a super huge scale of poisonous gas ball of 160 mill.km in radius is closing to the Earth, and this makes the Earth disappear. A British space physicist released this and the "Voice of Russia" site's Japanese version reported this.
The super-huge magnetic sphere of 1.3 times bigger radius than the Earth is also closeing to the Earth, and it also makes the Earth disappear from our Space in 2015.

The truth of  Germanwings Boeing's crash

Mar. 28, 2015 

   According to a Space info, the Germanwings company Boeing's crash onto a mountain in the French South was a result of the laser arms discharge experiment's failure by the USAF for shooting down the ICBM launched from the CA State, US. This crime brought on 150 people's death, including 3 Japanese.
   After that, many German pilots have denied flying.

   There is also testimony of the witnesses who told to the top of the French Air Force. Before the crash of the Germanwings' airplane onto a mountain, they heard an explosive sound from the said airplane, and saw the smoke rising up from the airplane's body.
A helicopter's pilot saw a splinter of the airplane's body on the road just before the crash place. He said that the splinter of the airplane's body proved the fact that a broken part of the airplane's body flew and dropped. This was the result of the laser arms discharge experiment's failure by the USAF. The US imperialism is the common enemy of all peoples all over the world.
   According to a notice from the Creators, USCIA and JCIA dispatched recentry twice to me a premeditated murder team consisting of 4 members. But they were disappeared by the measures on disappearance by the Creators and the criminals were returned to elementary particles just after right departure by the Creators. In their dispatch sections happened uproars, saying "They are missing".
Thus, there is neither the freedom of speech nor the democracy, nor the rule of law neither in the USA nor in Japan.   
   There is the tyranny under the plutocratical slave rule's capitalist system by shapeshifters of reptilian-humanoids, beginning from G20's leaders and the ruling layer of each nation,
reaching to activists of various fields of each nation's society all over the world. The tyranny is destructing the Earth.
   Therefore,the last and decisive general cleaning of the Earth is staged by the Creators, and the Earth being the colony of reptilians-humanoids of the Lizard and their bosses, draconians of the Draco is disappeared from the Space.


The truth of the attack on tourists in Tunis
Mar.19, 2015
   The boss of European Union foreign policy, Federica Mogherini, has blamed the IS terrorists for the attack on tourists in Tunis, when 22 people were killed, including 3 Japanese.
   But, according to the latest Space info from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, that  was the crime by terrorists of Al-Qaeda which was organized and is supported by CIA and Obama Admin of the USA.

The US imperialism buried mines in the nuke plants of Ukraine (VOR site)
  It is the export to Ukraine of so-called 911's notorious criminal inner job (self-play of own criminal scenario) by USA imperialism.
  It's the imminent plan to blow up nuke plants in the case of failure of colonization of Ukreine.
Mar.10, 2015
  If the Ukrainian people wins by the going on civil war, overthrows the neo-Nazi Admin and becomes the independent nation from the rule by the US & EU alliance, Obama Admin blows up these nuke plants, and the huge radiologic disaster is caused in Ukraine, Russia and EU nations.
  In Japan, Israeli Magna BSP corp. in charge of the security installed 2 mini-nuclear bombs in the 3rd nuclear reactor, and one - in the 4th unit of the Fukushima-1 Nuke Plant beforehand. And in conspiracy with US GE corp. being the designer
of the nuke plant they blasted the 3rd and the 4th units on Mar.14, 2011. It was a Japanese' extermination crime. Jim Stone of US NSA revealed it by AFR: American Freedom Radio appearance at the risk of life.You can search it in "Jim Stone". You have better see his testimony.
  The explosion of Chernobyl Nuke Plant in 1986 was a result of the major earthquake outbreak by the US earthquake weapon HAARP's old generation, too.  

   Hiroshima and Nagasaki atom bomb attacks were huge crimes by the US Empire, too. Minister of Finance of Japan Shoichi Nakagawa who stated in a speech meeting, saying "The atomic bomb attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the biggest crimes in the humanbeing's history", was assassinated by US CIA.
  Socialist Party of Japan chairman Inejiro Asanuma who made a speech at a meeting of the struggle against US-Japan Security Treaty in 1960 was stabbed to death by a 19 yr old
homland traitor with a direction of CIA.    

  According to a space info from the Creators, he is still in the full flush and is calling in the senior spiritual world for struggles against the USA imperialism all over the world.

  According to a space info from the Creators, in the USA the New American People's Revolution against the tyranny is imminent and it wins.

The truth of the shooting assassination case of B. Nemtsov
Mar.1, 2015

  The truth of the shooting assassination case in Moscow, near to the Kremlin on Feb. 27 of a jew being a German system Russian in surface Boris Nemtsov was disclosed. 

  He was a agent of US plot engine CIA who supported the crime that the USA and EU alliance overthrew the Ukrainian legal Gov. by the terrorism riot, and established the neo-Nazi parties' Gov. for Ukraine colonization.

  B. Hemtsov appealed to stage a demonstration for overthrowing the Russian power, obviously following the instruction by CIA.

     There was a perspective which will become the completion of roseate revolution series by the USA and EU alliance's evil maneuvers. That was frustrated for the time being. 

  However, the fights against home land traitors in Russia should be staged by political struggles not by assassination, just as assasination of president J.F.Kennedy and other politicians in the USA. The history of Stalin's mass repression also showed that. 

To CPGB and SPGB Break off relations with Rothschilds promptly

21 Feb., 2015

     According to a space information from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, both  Socialist Party of GB and Communist Party of GB are tools bribed for the purpose of self-protection of Rothschilds being shapeshifters of draconians of the Draco to avoid sanctions by the Creators.
   Draconians of the Draco are the official emblem of the GB capital, London city. They are bosses of leptilian-humanoids of the Lizard being the dictator-ruler of the USA. They are invaders-rulers of the Earth since ancient times.
The GHQ of draconians and leptilian-humanoids in Agarta of inner world of the Earth was liquidated by the Creators on Aug. 17, 2014. But Illuminati, G20 leaders, ruling layers of each nation and activists elements of it's various areas are continuing wrongdoings all over the world. 

   Socialist Party of GB has raised a slogan of "Abolish money! ", Communist Party of GB also has declared about transition to moneyless society in their platform, but it is not for social justice and is for above said ugly selfish purpose of Rothschilds.
   The Creators gave them orders so that Socialist Party of GB and Communist Party of GB break off with Rothschilds promptly and become the independent political parties of the British people.   The Earth will be disappeared from our Space in 2015 as the last decisive General cleaning of the Earth by the Creators.

The Yellowstone super-volcano in USA will erupt in June, 2015 Feb. 17, 2015
According to a space info from the Creators of the space blocks control world, the Yellowstone supervolcano located in the north-west corner of Wyoming State will erupt in June, 2015 as a result of what the tyranny under the plutocratic slave rule system is promoting earth destruction.
     But, earlier than that, the Earth will be disappeared from our space by the final general cleaning of the Earth by the Creators.

The demonstration of 4 M. people in France was waged in the situation where they lost from the sight the true target of protest and struggle― The big terrorist incident in Paris was planned in the USA, and the US's and the Israeli  intelligence agencies maneuvered it. Newsland.ru announced and the Creators confirmed it.
The US Obama Admin already has turned into the neo-Nazi power. It's of course that the congressman from Texas USA Randy Weber compared with Hitler Barack Obama, who decided not to go on a protest march against terrorism in Paris, while heads of the EU countries participated in the march. Because Obama is the criminal of the terrorism in Paris.

The world economic crisis originating from the UK is imminent

Russia sanctions by the US and EU alliance and the oil price sharp decline are bringing on collapse of Russian rouble. However, on the other hand, Russia sanctions has rebounded on the West.

   According to the
Newsland.ru, 2014-Dec-18, in the UK oil industry is on the brink of collapse. It's also intensified from the situation where oil drilling in the US is increased dramatically which is inevitably brings on reduce of the oil price to $ 60 or less per 1 barrel.    According to a cosmic information, thus the British economic crisis will develop into the world economic crisis, involving EU and the US, in 2015. Moreovere, in the US the new American People's revolution will occur and win.
   Do struggle for transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services, following the command by the Creators of the Space blocks control world.

Serious Information from the Creators
Nov.14, 2014
     The serious information was given from the Creators on Nov. 8, 2014.
    "It was the some evil, conservative reactional Creators that have created the three-dimensional worlds and the three-dimensional humanoid communities". 

     "The evil, conservative reactional Creator-8 created the terrestrial human community (8 means the charge of the Earth). Both the three-dimensional worlds and the three-dimensional terrestrial human community
are the evil worlds."
     There are more than 2 millions evil civilization planets resemblant to the Earth in our space.
     The some evil, conservative reactional Creators resemblant to Satan will be swept away by measures on their sweep,but now it runs in difficult conditions, though
it's realization is near.
     The general cleaning of Earth is being promoted.
     Now, according to a space information from the Craeators, the huge spherical magnetic energy of the 1.3 times more scale of the Earth having been emitted from a black hole just as a huge dark gas cloud of a radius in 160 million km are approaching to our Earth, and they will destroy and sweep the Earth in early 2015. It becomes the Earth's general cleaning by the Creators of the innumerable space blocks control world. The interference by federations of other planets or individual planets is not permitted by the Creators.
     Peoples who didn't pollute spirit distributed to everyone from the Creators will be given the chance of ascension (dimension level up) to five dimensions, and they will receive support by the advanced civilization planets from the Galaxy federation of planets and will build the new Earth civilazation society.

Baking soda enables to disappear cancer !
- Do stop fatalism on death from cancer

Nov.1, 2014
   This is an announcement based on approval by the myriad Universe Blocks Control World of the Creators.
Cancer disappears if you drink a 20%-water solution of sodium bicarbonate. It is possible to extinguish the cancer cells with a 20%-water solution of sodium bicarbonate.
   Hospitals are moneymaking facilities, and they make patients drop into a pool of so-called anti-cancer agents of dozens of chemicals for making money. Those are murder factories to death, giving a serious blow to bodies of patients.
   Patients immediately need to go away from hospitals, and to fast until 3 or 5 days to 1 week, and the same time they need to drink 20%-water solutions of sodium bicarbonate. By doing so, it brings on a new healthy body of each patient. Research institutions had better stage the verification.
   However, don't eat the meat of the body that peoples being almost in wild beast life killed mammal:  beef, pork, etc. You should eat vegetables and fishes. Some times you may eat chicken.