
Rockefeller's attempt to establish Neo-Nazi power in USA will end up with collapse New American Civil Revolution will win

Rockefeller's attempt to establish Neo-Nazi power in USA will end up with collapse   New American civil revolution will win

July 18, 2013.     
     The USA's Dictator Jay Rockefeller, according to a cosmo-info, is now planning to cause a major earthquake and major tsunamis off the Coast of the US East, leading to nuke plants' blast and breakdown of cities with the weapon of earthquakes & weather conditions change HAARP which is located in Alaska, to declaration on the emergency introduction by FEMA's authorities and to establishment of the neo-Nazi power in the US.   This information is disclosed in YouTube in the US .
     However, such destruction of Earth is the violation of the right on cosmo-blocks control by the Creators, and that is never allowed. US's HAARP was eliminated, along with the same weapons of China, Russia, Israel and Japan (Kyoto) by the Space-blocks control World by the Creators on July 12, 2013.
     So, instead, Rockefeller intends to achieve the same goal through the use of nuclear bombs there.
     In this case, the antiwar generals' school of the Pentagon top will stand up for the coup and win. New American civil revolution will be victorious. Jay Rockefeller will be arrested and executed by shooting.
     At the same time Russian and Chinese mercenary troops in the US for guard of Obama Administration will help this revolution on the side of the revolutionary civilians.
      Many Federal States will secede from the Federation, the US will be broken up and be reorganized as the Union of Republics with parliamentary system without a presidential system. NATO will undergo a crushing blow, which leads to the collapse of aggression in Syria. 
    There will be no Japanese-American Security Treaty.

Obama Administration abolished USA Constitution's pivot 

ーUS turned into Neo-Nazi Nation

New American Revolution will win

June 27, 2013; Renewal: July 18
     The US's dictator J.Rockefeller, his puppet president B.Obama and his Administration abolished the US's Constitution de-facto through abolishment of the human rights, the freedom of speech, the US citizens' privacy and so on by hijack of SNS, including Internet Explorer, Yahoo, facebook, twitter, GREE, Mobage, Ameba, LinkedIn, MSN, email, mixi, etc. like E. Snowden disclosed by the inner prosecution from CIA. The USA has turned into the Neo-Nazi nation.
      The National emergency center establishment act 2013 will be its completion form: http://www.infowars.com/concentration-camps-revisited-national-emergency-centers-establishment-act-2013/ 

      Alex Jones and Jesse Bentler disclosed the truth by YouTube (1), (2), (3):             http://enzai.9-11.jp/?p=6305

      Moreover, they are infringing the other nations' sovereignty by theft collecting of their national and citizen's information, as if the US is the dictator of the Earth at the time when the US are going on the road of the national beakdown.
     American citizens are rising up for the people's sovereignty in more than 100 cities against ex Bush Administration's and Obama Administration's unconstitutional crimes under the slogan "Restore the Fourth".
      According to cosmo-info, this movement will turn into the new American revolution movement and the new American civil revolution will win. Many States will secede from the USA and the USA will be abolished and vanish.
      The Federation of representative system's republics will be organized without the presidential system.
     Thus, John Titor's prophecy from 2036 will be realized.


Illuminati's Z. Brzezinski declared against military intervantion in Syria

Illuminati's Z. Brzezinski declared against military intervention in Syria  And USA will pull out of Syria


      Executive Z. Brzezinski of the Illuminati declared that the support and arms aid plan for Syrian anti-government rebel forces by tyrannic system of Saudi and Qatar trying to change the regime in the Middle East countries for the benefit of Israel, the Great War between the United States and Iran will be a catastrophe in the United States. 

      He asserted that impossible Israel's control of the Middle East is just a mere temporary dream, criticizing the incitement and provocation by Saudi and Qatar. Newsland.ru 2013.6.28 reported so.http://newsland.com/news/detail/id/1203899/
      According to a cosmo-info from the Creators, in order to prevent the military intervention by NATO to Syria, weapons support to the betrayers of Syrian rebels, its developping into WWIII through the US's war with Iran, the Creators took the proper measures and gave the instruction to Z. Brzezinski. His declaration is the result. According to the cosmo-information Jay Rockefeller tuned to the opinion of Brzezinski. Therefore, puppet Obama will accept this, the USA will pull out of Syria. And thus the NATO also pull out of Syria along with it. 

      In this way, the light to change the situation in the Middle East came shining.