
H7N9 virus is made in USA

H7N9 virus is made in USA 

Apr. 24, 2013  

   According to a cosmo-info the H7N9 virus is a new type bird flu virus improved by gen-manipulation of the old type at the Bio-weapon laboratory in the USA. 

   A dictator of the USA J. Rockefeller being a follower of Rothschilds is driving this crime for the drastic reduction of population of earthmen, beginning from Chinese. In China already patients are dead in Peking, Shanghai, Nangking, etc.                           

   Thus, like here written, they forced the explosion of the Fukushima-1 Nuke plant by 3 mini nuclear bombs on March 14, 2011 through the internet virus operation, like Jim Stone (NSA's ex official, a nuclear specialist) has disclosed.