(1) Testimoney of a US's free pressman Jim Stone
(ex-specialist of NSA) on Blast of Fukushima-1 Nuke Plant by Israeli Magna BSP
Corp. under complicity with GE Corp.
ーMagna BSP Corp. blasted 2 mini nuclear bombs having
been set up at 3rd reactor, and one - at 4th YouTube's Image below:
(2) US's Pittsburgh Univ. emeritus prof., Dr. Ernest
Sternglass published that radiation exposure by the low dose of radioactivity is
injurious to health and ruinous more than 1000 times than cabinet's reports.
Therefore, blast of Fukushima-1 Nuke plant by Israel and USA was genocide of Japanese, Koreans,
Chinese, Russians, also Americans, Europeans, etc.
This was a huge global crime by A. Rockefeller
and his boss D. Rothschild to cut the population of Earth by
(3) UFOs are coming out for
monitoring Cataclysm of Earth
Thus, foremost, the US's East, CA State and Israel sink into the sea.
Next, the Britain island sinks into the sea.
France, Germany, Itary, Benelux sink into the sea.
The South of Canada too together with the US's East.The East of Australia too.
Eastern Japan and, next Western Japan sink into the sea. The East of China from Peking~Shanghai to Hongkong sink into the sea together with Korean peninsula.
The Wast of Russia, including Moscow and S. Peterburg sink into the sea.
So-called UFOs being space ships of ETs are coming out over these nations for monitoring of the Cataclysm process.
In Tokyo more 10 flying disks were looked at.
In March 11, 2011 a large space ship of ETs stayed in the lowest air just in front of the Fukushima Nuke plant for monitoring of the huge earthquake, tsunami and blast of the Nuke plant. A photo was taken and published.
Quake of March 11 was the beginning of the Earth general cleaning by the Creators.
They have come out and are coming out over NYC, CA State, london, France, Germany, Peking, Honkong, Moscow, S. Peterburg, etc.
See UFOcasebook.com.