
In US Civil War happens in 2nd half of this summer, Civil Revolutional Army wins a
victory, but…

July 3, 2012

According to a cosmo-info, in the USA a new Civil war happens in NY State, FLorid (Miami), Lousisiana, Texas, Nebraska, California in the 2nd half of this summer.

Federal corps are mobilised for suppression against the people's rising and bloodsheds spread. Meanwhile, youths in Federal corps cause rebellion against shooting and the bloodbath against the countrymen. Breakup of Federal corps goes, and the Civil Revolutional Army organized in the civil war process comes to win.

The USA suffers breakup, and the new Republics' Federation of parliamental system is organized.

Major of American Civil Revolutional Army which won a victory in the Civil war Jhon Titor who returned in 1998 to Florida by the C204 type time machine made by GEC gave a prediction on the beginning of the Civil War in 2015, but this is moved up.
  Recently NDAA(The national defense authority act) was approved in the US's Assembly, and the Pentagon may take into custody the US citizens whom Pentagon recognized by arbitrary decision as so-called terrorists without warrant for arrest, trial and defense. The American constitution was abolished in this.

Hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras are installed in the United States. Already in the US concentration camps of 200 places are standby for the prisoner acceptance.

In all Federal corps new soldiers are forced the shooting training to American citizens.The USA under dictatorial rule by Jay Rockefeller and his clique became a Nazi nation due to these steps.

According to presentation by the US suicide prevention station in 2011, 29% of the US population, 354 mill.100 thou.people, i.e. one of three people = 102 mill.690 thou. people are needies. And in 2007~2009 suicides became 4 times more.

Moreover, 25% of US population, i.e.one of 4 people=88 mill.520 thou. people are mental patients according to presentation by AMA(American Medical Association) in August, 2011. Many soldiers and officers who returned from invaded Vietnam, Afganistan and Iraq are mental patients.

The number of the civic gun possession in the United States that the American constitution guarantees reached hundreds of millions. Thus, objective conditions for the Civil war are ripe. And it is imminent and the civil war breaks out and win a victory.

However, American peoples should not to put the end to reformist retaining of the plutocratic slave rule system of capitalist regime.

Know the Providence by the Creators who ordered to aim at the society of gratuitous services in all fields of human life !

As earthmen don't follow the order, the huge cataclysm is imminent for the general cleaning of Earth and earthmen.