Time of Earth liberation has
2012.6.25 It is neccesary to demand from the regime now as an impending tactics to introduce the Basic Income system which secures all members of the society from babys to old peoples by the government's payment of the minimum cost of their living monthly gratis. For the given purpose down with Obama Administration under dictatorship of Rockefeller, Puchin's power and mafia financial oligarchy, etc. They are not Americans, Russians, etc., but shapeshifters of Reptilians-humanoids from the Lizard. In the US Rockefellres, Obama, Romney, Panetta, Hillary and Bill, Bushes and others, in Russia Putin, Medvedjev, Zyuganov, Djirinovskiy, etc., in UK Elizabeth (El-Lizard-Birth) Ⅱ, her Windsor family, premiers and others, in France Sarcozy, Hollande and others, in Japan Noda, Tanigaki and others, in China Hu Jintao, Ben Zyabao and others, in N.Corea Kim JonUn, in Corea Ri Minbak and others are members of their clique just as leaders of G20, ruling strata, leaders and cadres of power parties and oppositional parties of each nation. They will be liquidated, since they are interplanetary killing criminals against earthmen for shapeshifting to victims after killing, drinking of their bloods by abduction into flying saucers in their young days. Their regimes will be overthrew soon, since the rule of Earth by draconians from the Draco and Reptilians from the Lizard was overthrew as a result of the Earth liberation war by the Council of Andromeda Galaxy Planets Federation, following a order by the Control & leading organ of the Space Blocks Control world of the Creators in the middle of May, 2012. J. Assange joined in the leberation movement of earthmen from the tirannic system on Earth by Draconians and Reptilians, though he is a shapeshifter of oppisitional Reptilian according to the Creators' info jast as Alex Jones, David Icke, Jeff Rensse, Ron Paul, Noam Chomsky, Webster Tapley, Michael Moor, Jim Tucker, Piter Jozef, etc. In result the capitalist plutocratic slave rule system on Earth will suffer breakup. tatsmaki (Japan) Proceding articles: http://forascension.blogspot.jp/ ~~~~~~~~~~ Русское Издание:
Освобождения Землян Наступала
Вам надо требовать пока в
качестве предстоящей тактики от властей введения системы Basic Income которое
обеспечивает всех членов общества РФ от детей до стариков
выдачей вечно
прожиточным минимумом в каждом месяце.
За реализацию данной цели долой
власть Путина и мафиозной финансовой олигархии.
Они не Россияне, но
видоизменители Рептилий-гуманоидов созвездия
Ящерицы. А Зюганов и
члены ЦК КПРФ, Жириновский и т.д. тоже члены их клики, так же как и лидеры большой Двадцатки,
господствующие слои и лидеры, кадры оппозиционных партий каждой страны. Они
будут ликвидированы, так как они межпланетные преступники убийства землян для
видоизменения к жертвам после убийства и питья их кровей похищением в летающие
диски во времена молодости жертв.
Их власть будет свергнута в
ближайшее время, так как господство Земли Драконианами (by Draconians) созвездия
Драко и Рептилиями-гуманоидами Ящерицы была свергнута земно-освободительной
войной Советом федерации планет Галактики Андромеды по
приказу Органом контроля над
космо-блоками Творцов в середине мая с.г.
В результате того система
капиталистического плутократического рабского господства на Земле
подвергнется краху.
Blast of Fukushima-1 Nuke plant was a huge
international crime by mini nuclear bombs of US-Israeli Alliance
―An American free pressman Jim Stone disclosed getting a testimony of a GEC's designing engineer
―An American free pressman Jim Stone disclosed getting a testimony of a GEC's designing engineer
Blast of
Fukushima-1 Nuke plant was the result of a huge Int. crime in which Israeli Corp. Magna
BSP being the nuke security contractor with TEPCO blasted after 311 mini nuclear
bombs by remote Internet operation from Israel. Those nuclear bombs had been installed
with utmost secrecy in the above said nuke in conspiracy with GEC.
It was a
biggest scoop that was disclosed by Jim Stone on the basis of the testimony of
a GEC's designing engineer.
This information was confirmed as the truth by
the Space blocks control world of the Creators. I.e., blast of Fukushima-1 nuke
was the huge international crime for genocide of Japanese by the Americano-Israeli
GEC as the designing company of Fukushima-1
nuke plant, Approval power US Administration,Israeli Magna BSP as the nuclear plant security contractor, the Installer of mini Nuclear
Bombs in the above stated nuke plant and its Blaster, Israeli government, TEPCO, the nuke plant Approval
power Nakasone Cabinet and its succeeding Cabinets of LDP, those responsible Ministers,
etc. should be indicted for genocide of Japanese, and the international court should
be set up for the given purpose.
to the Kouichi Onodera's politico-economic email mag. an american free pressman Jim Stone took refuge
in Mexico due to imminent his assassination risk by the worldwide biggest national terrorist
organs in the Nazified US under the dictatorial rule of Jay Rockefeller. But
they will pursue him to the end for his assassination.
According to a cosmo-info from the Creators the US's East and CA State sink into the sea soon.
And Israel also sinks into the sea soon.
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