
Allied Forces of the US, NATO and Israel are preparing for WWⅢthrough attack against Syria, Iran, Russia and China

     According to Newsland.ru on oct.25, 2011 the Allied Forces of the US, NATO and Israel are preparing for WWⅢ through attack against Syria, Iran, Russia and China without the admission by the US's Congress.
     They are planning to use bioweapon in this war to kill few hundred mill. peoples. Because in the US, UK, France, NATO, Russia, China, Israel,etc. already no nuclear weapons after sweep by a space ship of the Galaxy Federation of planets following the order of the Space Blocks Control World of the Creators in 2008. The US's nukes were swept on July 24, 2008. Redisposition and reproduction have been checked till today.
     Russia and China already are in the highest preparations for battles after agreement at the meeting of Puchin and Hu Jintao in Pekin, in oct. 2011.

     The US's Dictator Rockefeller has been staked on WWⅢ, facing the US's Establishment crisis.

AFP(American Free Press) is calling to Americans: "Time for Americans to 'Occupy the Pentagon!' ", Nov.11,2011 admin
By Frank Whalen -

  While Americans continue to make their voices heard via the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, maybe they should next focus their attention on an even wealthier, more exploitative crowd: The Pentagon.
  The military-industrial-banking complex’s budget breakdown for 2012 is so extraordinary, it’s doubtful that the average person can conceive of such astronomical numbers. The Department of Defense (DoD) is seeking $707.5 billion, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants $46.9 billion, and in a category labeled “Interest on debt incurred in past wars,” the number is between $109.1 billion to $431.5 billion. All this is estimated to be as high as $1.415 trillion for one fiscal year. 


USArmy and NATO's Allied Forces are ready for WWⅢ

USArmy and NATO's Allied Forces are ready for WWⅢ

Oct. 27, 2011     According to an article of Newsland.ru, Oct. 25, 2011 "НАТО готовит Мировую войну?" (NATO is ready for World War?) USArmy and NATO's Allied Forces are ready for WWⅢ by attack to Russia, China, Syria and Iran. What means the "?" mark of the tytle? It, maybe, means the russians' expectance to stop opening hostilities of WWⅢ.  
     It means the Armageddon. 
     Premier of Russia Putin commanded Army's top "Get ready for Armageddon". 
     USAF's contingent is promoting the plan to murder few hundred mill. peoples by bacteriological weapon. 
    Governments of Russia and China have given commands on the highest preparation modes for battles on the base of agreement at their meeting in Peking on Oct. 12, 2011!     USAF attacks Shanghai, Peking, etc. of China, and Chinese army makes counterattacks against US's bases in Japan by missiles and bombers and so on.

     Japan will suffer the crushing blow and occupation by Chinese forces.

     The USA also suffer the crushing blow by applying a new nonnuclear type weapons with destruction power much more than nukes on which Russian mass medias wrote 2-3 years ago.     
     And Iran recently announced that they also hold similar weapons. 
     However, such WWⅢmeans destruction of Earth.

     Therefore the Creators of the Space Blocks Control World and the Galaxy federation of advanced planets under control of the Creators never permit such superbiggest crimes.

     Sanctions will be.
     http://gold.ap.teacup.com/tatsmaki/88.html  (Japanese edition)

Spontaneous Revolution in USA is beginning
hereafter what to do 

   A demonstrator "Occupy Wall Street" shouted: "A revolution is beginning !"
Wonderful !!
   The Declaration of occupation of NYC and rising up of a Manine Corps’ group and a USArmy’s group to defense the OccupyWallStreet movement from the oppression by the police force are wonderful too !   But a problem is in the direction and contents of revolution.  
   At the time of G8 leaders' meeting in London British workers staged a demonstration under a banner "Abolish Money !". They became the avantgarde of libelation movement of earthmen.
   But your spontaneous demonstration "Occupy Wall Street" doesn't raise both a tactical and strategic targets. A initiative and the leadership by workers' parties or leading groups don't be felt.
   In the USA the poor under tyranny by Wall Street and its boss Rockefellers forms 29% of population (311 mill. 800 thou. in 2010), i.e. 90 mill. 420 thou. people. The number of selfmurder became 4 times more in 2009 than 2007 according to a record by the National service on selfmurder prevension, USA.
   You should raise a tactical target for Basic Income to secure all Americans' life which is called by American young man Piter Jozef, and a strategic target for Abolition of barbarous and tyrannical Money system, for transition to the new society of gratuitous services in all life fields of peoples.

☆Declaration on occupation of
    Song and Image of "We Are The 99%"
    Oct. 23, 2011 

Photo: Demonstration in London


NATO's aggressive forces suffered beginning of biggest collapse

NATO's aggressive forces suffered beginning of biggest collapse

     Kaddafi's son Seif al-Islam announced at the extra meeting of rebel forces's POWs that he thanks for loyalty to his father and Libya, and their government will send foods for Ramadan to all Libyan peoples regardless of the enemy and the ally. He said that from the Kaddafi's freezed bank account for Ramadan French peoples drew out 258 mill.dollar and somewhere it disappeared.

     In these regard, in Bengasi where is the rebel forces'extraordinary national council riots began. The rebel forces took as hostage 15 French, British and Katari military instructors and demanded a ransom. Victims of military confrict reached to more 150 people, according to a unconfirmed information, more than to 300 people.

     The rebel side of Obeisi having took hostage separated from the extra national council, and decided a independent policy. A part of POWs supported the course of Obeisi,and the other part - neutral.  The position of rebel forces'leader Mustafa Jariri is weakened rapidly.Voice of Kameroon announced (km.ru > Newsland.ru:2011.8.5).

     NATO's aggressive forces suffered a beginning of biggest collapse. On the advanced gratuitous social security system in Libya being a result of Libyan revolution survival light is beginning to gleam with difficulty thanks for the Creators.

     This became a good news announcing the new world situation together with deepening of crisis in the USA being the biggest in the world terrorist nation and aggressor of 5 countries: Afganistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya.